"As if offered to the heavens, to be swayed by every wind "
Rainer Maria Rilke, Dame au Balcon [Lady on the Balcony]
It's a return to childhood, when in the garden we used to blow on dandelion heads...
"Granny, where do the parachutes land? "
The fineness of the porcelain transfigures the lightness of the little seeds, a gentle breeze could blow them away.
Scattered by the wind...
The backstory to Anémochorie
The creation of these items is actually a technical achievement, the result of a patient process of research and development. The dandelion clock is a cherished, dreamlike image for Yaël and Guillaume; it first appeared in their famous Graines, then on their porcelain curtains, as if fossilised in ceramic, through diverse techniques (mishima, lithophane).
Then the pappi, or parachutes as children like to call them, finally won their independence and became objects in their own right, standing proud on their own shaft, ready to float away on their own adventures.